Saturday, 5 May 2007

Odds and Ends

These photos are just to keep my hand in as I have no computer at the moment and these are from a friends machine. I am waiting impatiently for Broadband to be connected hopefully by next Friday. The first dog is Fly, who will answer to Babs, or any other name should she fancy it. This is Bel. She rather catch rats than chase sheep!
I don't know what this is called but it looks nice.
This is Twm, 'Tom' in English. A very temperamental she cat. Lives in the farm house.
This is sunset over Fron Goch, the top of a hill which is an old Roman lookout fort.

Monday, 23 April 2007

Just waiting for Broadband and keeping my hand in.

Here they are. Took 40 minutes to upload. Never mind, won't be long now.

I am just putting in a couple of pictures to keep my hand in. My son has two dogs but only a picture at present of one. He is called Milford and loves having his photo taken. He even poses and brushes his hair. Quite a character all round. The one not shown is Murphy but I will rectify that before long. The young lady on the horse is my nieces daughter at a local Show Day. I believe she won her event. The Tugboat I took from the top of the Archway in St. Louis. I wonder how they steer the front barge, especially when going upstream. The Sparrow feeding her young I christened "Say Please!"

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Learning to Hyperlink.

My favourite Web Site is the BBC. My son is a football fanatic and when a special match comes on in the UK he will jump on a plane from Texas and come over to see it. (His excuse is to see me!!!) Especially for him, this is the hyperlink for Manchester United on the BBC website - click here.

Friday, 20 April 2007

The Pictures I forgot the last time

Sorry for missing out last time but all went pear shape with my ISP shutting me down as there was no activity for a while. Roll on the day when I can get Broadband, (of a sort) but it must be a lot faster than this. The chair was given me having been thrown on a skip for burning. It was a challenge as the only salvageable parts were the front legs and the arms, very worm eaten. But it gave me something to do.

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Just another chair

Just a couple of chair repairs. Not putting much on as I wish to, but have a very slow speed of 21kbps for the moment. Have arranged to get Broadband in a couple of weeks when doing this will, I hope, be a lot easier. Too far from exchange and old copper wiring. Things should improve. I will have quite a bit to moan about when I get started. Not long ago when we had pigeon post!!.

Friday, 13 April 2007

These are for a special friend.

The lower of these photos is of Cader Idris ( The Seat of Idris the Giant) . In Welsh mythology it's said that any person who climbs to the top and spends the night there, will either be dead in the morning or walk down a wonderful poet. The others are for the friend who has personal memories of these areas.

Pictures from the Garden

These nine photos I took around my garden. I am not really a happy gardener as I find that I prefer doing less hard work. The camera is a Fujifilm 3500 3m pixels with various extension lenses which I purchased via a good friend from New York, U.S of A.

Repairing old chairs

As I have previously mentioned, woodwork is one of my many hobbies which includes turning. As you can see I had theses chairs for repair. The undercarriage was missing from the one on the left of the photo, but all were in separate pieces and some missing. I turned the legs and the final result can be seen. I have always said that a tidy workshop isn't one where much work is done. Mine is a mess. Like my car, it gets cleaned once a year....if it needs it!

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Lake Talyllyn Reflections

Reflections. Taken Good Friday 2006. favourite Fujifilm 3500. Getting on a bit, but good lenses I bought through e.bay from a camera shop in New York.

Learning through experimenting

First of all I am going to place a couple of photos which I took recently. The River photo is of the Dovey. This is a well known Salmon and Trout venue which is a short distance from my village. The one below is my village taken from the top of Bryn Crogwr, (the Hangmans Hill). When people walk to the top there is a tradition that one takes a stone and adds it to a cairn there. A beautiful day and the temperature reached 60f. I still use farenheit as I understand what it means, not this foreign celsius stuff.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007


These are some of the turnings I have done over the years. I use any woods that I find appropriate after cutting and trimming around the gardens.

Welcome to my first Post

Being the first time in posting I will just show a few of my photos of the area where I live. It is all farming country so will put in some pictures of the animals.

This is a view which I see when I walk a few yards from my house.

Here is Nel my neighbours sheep dog doing some resting between jobs.