Tuesday, 7 December 2010

An Odd Ramble

I am going back to where I stopped writing my Blog, 2007? The story could be very long but I will condense it...I said I was getting Broadband, promised faithfully I could get it where I lived. The company said yes, payments taken, all the gear arrived in a few days, including start-up date. I fitted it all up but nothing happened. SEVEN weeks went by with all sorts of people and advice coming in daily until eventually that 'big tele' company said that I was too far away from the exchange and on the end of about 7 miles of old cable that they couldn't connect me.

Seven weeks without being on line and one person had the cheek to tell me, if I left them, and cancelled my contract, I would have to pay for the following 12 months. Having explained that it was they who had broken the contract and would see them in court, I had a very nice letter from a very senior Lady that she was sorry having to 'admit a complaint against themselves' and I would be rectified for all the agro etc etc. ( I know the law regarding contracts)

Well, that's what it's all about and now, having been pushed into getting Satellite Broadband, I can start afresh. What a change having good speed instead of dial-up at 26kbps Thanks son for making me get it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And thanks to Anwen for helping you get Skype and other useful apps...