Sunday 9 January 2011

Books, Reading.

  1. Talking with a friend last night it turned to the books we preferred. She likes Biographies of famous people, I like Travel and Adventure. We both have other interests as well with the Authors of other books.
  2. This led me into thinking how varied we are in almost every way. The way we live, think, hope, laugh and cry. What we have lived through, likes and dislikes........I could go on for ever...
  3. I have a house full of books. Almost too many. I had a few from a Charity Shop some time ago and just put them on a shelf and forgot them. I found one a few days ago and started to read. It is about the Saddam Hussain of Iraq era whilst getting together an Atomic Bomb and all the scientists involved , many from other countries.
  4. It is called 'Condition Black' by Gerald Seymour..... Compromise of experts, intrigue, so they could be forced to join the Country and help with the Atomic effort. Family life all comes into it. Too much to put here. 348 pages. JUst put it down to do this blog...........